Sunday, July 19, 2009

Care and feeding of the Mind

Do not be taken aback by introspection and dark wanderings into your own mind.

Enjoy it for the journey of liberation that it is. Dive down that rabbit hole and go deep, I say. Look at all the emotion, the suppressed feelings and denied desires. Stare into the face of the monsters of fear and the desire to fit in, and pick them apart into a million little pieces until they are too small to exist anymore. Undo the knot of other people's imposed beliefs and shibboleths so that you can think for yourself, work out your own universal scheme and locate yourself in it, because though we share this place, we are an entire universe unto ourselves.

We share a space with each other, yet no one can really enter our worlds, we have to live in them all alone. No one else can climb into our heads with us. It gets lonely in here. There seems to be a constant re-arranging of absolutes, so much so that I have given up on anything remotely resembling any such thing. I thought there were. Absolutes, I mean. But really, I am the only absolute in my life, so I have to take care to let in only what won't damage the environment.

Shit. Too late. There's been a lot of water underneath that bridge. Damage control! Environmental clean-up!

This could be the source of the problem. Too much white noise from the psychobabble of shallow society, a rapidly shifted worldview, scads of updated information, and the brain starts processing on overload.

This peering into the abyss situation is not for the faint of heart! It is mental surgery, removing everyone else's shit from one's head so that one can think and operate in a shit-free environment.

What we need is mental floss. Floss daily for optimum mental health, and don't let other people rent space in your head! Put up an "Authorized Personnel Only" sign to keep out the likes of the Jerry Falwell's, the Pat Robertson's, the Bill O'Reilly's, and other haters and fundies like them. Keep out the haters of individuality, the homosexual haters, the woman haters and the haters of other people's beliefs and practices. Guard yourself from these tricky talkers so that you can remain empty of shibboleths, empty of made truths and the status quo. Remain empty of unrealistic expectations, and live truly in your own world.

Mmmmm. That's it, baby. Raise up your own flag and fly it. You can't be you in someone else's world.

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